What is Logos Bible Software?
Digital library
Logos Bible Software is also your digital library. This is where Faithlife's business model comes in: from selling digital books. Because the production costs of digital books are one-time costs, many books are priced relatively low. Particularly in the basic packages in which you can sometimes buy hundreds of books for just a dollar per book!
Research Machine
The impressive thing about this digital library is that all books are indexed and fully integrated in the software and with each other. This enables Logos, for example, to gather all information from all of your books that apply to a particular topic or to a particular Bible text or passage.
And at no time this information will all be neatly presented in a systematically organized information guide. This makes Logos an extremely powerful and advanced research machine, saving you valuable time, time which you would rather put into real study!
One plus one makes two. The larger your digital library, the more information Logos can present to you from your own library. Therefore, take a look at the contents of the different base packages to see which bundle suits you best.